The new feature added under the Payroll details section of Run Payroll enables the user to check the breakdown of the amount that is charged in benefits. An info icon is introduced beside each benefit in a kind amount. This icon asks the user to click on each amount to view its complete breakdown in a new pop-up window that has been introduced. The steps to check the same are described below.
- Select a Business that has Benefit in Kind included.
- Click Payroll.
- Click Run Payroll.
- Select an appropriate Period.
- Select an employee who has BIK charges included in the payout.
- You can see every Benefit in Kind amount and their description.
- A new info 'i' icon is introduced beside every amount. When hovered on, it states, " Please click on the amount to see the break-down amounts".
- On clicking the desired amount, a popup appears. This popup has been recently introduced that shows the BIK calculation workflow for selected charges.