This release includes a new Nominal Recalculation routine, an option to Show Suppressed entries in the Compliance Database, an option to Ignore Period Locks, a display of the comparative years nominal balance along with the current year when searching for nominals and a page break option when running the General Ledger Account Activity Report.
Nominal Recalculation
We have added a new option to allow the user to perform a Nominal Recalculation of the data. For more details click here.
Show Suppressed Entries in the Compliance Database
We have added a new option to allow the user to see the suppressed/hidden entries in the Compliance Database i.e., entries that are considered not applicable, based off nominal values or other compliance database selections. For more details click here.
Ignore Period Locks
We have added a new permission, allowing users with this permission to add or edit journals even if the period is locked. For more details click here.
Nominal Code Search, Last Year Balance column
We have added the display of last year's nominal balance along with the current year when searching for nominals.
Page Break option in General Ledger Account Activity Report
We have added a new Page Break option to the General Ledger Account Activity report, Advanced settings, which when selected will page break the report after each nominal account.