1. Log in and click the required business.
2. The Customers page appears. Click New.

Move the cursor over
From the quick menu, click + Customer.
3. Set up the new customer details based on the instructions below and click Save to save the customer record.
General Info tab | |
CUSTOMER NAME* | Enter the customer name. |
CUSTOMER CODE | Each customer is assigned a unique identification code which can be auto-assigned or manually set. |
TITLE | Customer title. |
FORENAME | Customer forename. |
SURNAME | Customer surname. |
DISPLAYING NAME AS | Now you choose the display name of a contact you create. When you create a contact, you can provide the name, forename and surname and accordingly, Surf Accounts offers different display name options for you to choose. |
CONTACT NAME | Enter the name of the customer contact. |
POSITION | Enter the customer contact person designation. |
STREET | Enter the street name in the customer address. |
TOWN | Enter the town or city name in the customer address. |
COUNTY | Enter the county name in the customer address. |
POST CODE | Enter the post code in the customer address. |
Select the country in the customer address. Note:
PHONE | Enter the customer phone number. |
MOBILE | Customer mobile number. |
Enter the customer email. | |
WEBSITE | Enter the customer email ID. |
FAX | Enter the customer fax number. |
SKYPE ID | Enter the customer direct line. |
DIRECT LINE | Enter the customer Skype ID. |
ADDITIONAL EMAIL | Enter the customer Skype ID. |
Invoice Settings tab | |
ACCOUNT MANAGER | The account manager is the user. If more than one user is available, select the appropriate user. |
CREDIT LIMIT | Enter the credit limit. |
VAT NO. | Enter the customer VAT number. |
PAYMENT TERMS | Enter supporting payment terms and conditions for information, if applicable. |
RCT Principal | Tick this option if you want to set the customer as an RCT principal. Note: Prior to setting a customer as RCT principal, you need to enable this option. To enable, on Surf Accounts left panel, click Settings and on the Settings page, click Setup under the ACCOUNTS heading and then tick the Enable RCT Transactions tick box. |
VAT Exempt | Tick if the customer is VAT exempted. |
View A/c History | This option allows the customer to view the account summary from an emailed invoice. Select the option, then email the invoice. The customer receives the access to the invoice in the form of a link. Upon clicking the link, the invoice preview appears, and it displays a button Account History. When the customer clicks the button, the account statement is shown. If the check box is not selected, the Account History button is not available. In the Sales Invoices page, customers that receive an email are indicated by the ![]() |
SEND STATEMENTS | Depending on your choice, can email the customer account statement. You have three choices: Always, Not Now and Never. When you choose an option and then generate the Customer Statements report, you can email the statement to the customer. You can also update your choice later when you generate the Customer Statements report. |
DEFAULT NOMINAL CODE | Select the default nominal code, if applicable. |
DEFAULT VAT CODE | Select the default applicable VAT code. |
Enter the default discount for the customer, if applicable. |
INTRASTAT heading | |
Select the default dispatch terms of delivery from the drop down. The drop down is available only for Customers. 1. If 'Not Required' is selected in settings then this tab becomes disabled. The outcome of it is, when the report is exported or imported in CSV, the column does not show. 2. If other option from the drop down is selected then that is saved as selected by the user. The options available to the user are Cost and Freight, Cost, Insurance and Freight, Carriage and Insurance Paid, Carriage Paid to, Delivered at Place , Deliver at Terminal, Delivery Duty paid, Ex works, Free alongside ship, Free Carrier, Free on Board. |
Select the default dispatch mode of transport from the drop down. The drop down is available only for Customers. 1. If an option is selected from the drop down then that is saved as selected by the user. The options available are Transport by Sea, Rail, Road, Air, Consignments by Post, Fixed Transport Installations, Transport by Inland Waterways or Own Propulsion. |
Select the default dispatch nature of transaction from the drop down. 1. This option is available for both Customers and Suppliers. 2. If an option is selected from the drop down then that is saved as selected by the user The options available are Transactions involving sales/purchases, Returned or replacement goods, Change of ownership without compensation, Goods for processing, Goods after processing, goods for/after repair, Operations under joint defence projects, Building materials for construction contacts etc, Other transactions not included above. |
Company tab | |
INDUSTRY | Select the customer industry. |
TURNOVER | Enter the customer business turnover. |
EMPLOYEES | Enter the number of employees the customer employs. |
SOURCE | Enter how you contacted the customer. |
CATEGORIES | Select the customer organisation category. To view the steps to set up custom categories, click here. |
Sub-Contacts tab | This tab is enabled after you set up a customer record. This allows you to add one or more alternative contacts to the one you have added earlier. To add a sub-contact, click Add New. |
Projects tab | This tab allows you to set up customer projects against which you can record time and expenses. To add a customer project, click Add New. |
* Indicates mandatory fields. |
To view your plan subscription details, on the top of the page, click |