Every employee in Surf Payroll is allotted a unique identification code. The code can be set up automatically or manually though by default, the automatic set up is enabled. While the automatic mode sets up the code in a specific format, the manual method is user-defined. The automatic mode format is n characters of employee surname followed by n numeral digits. For example, based on the format 3 characters of employee last name characters and 3 digits, the code for employee John Smith is SMI001. The numeric depends on the sequence the employee is added to Surf Payroll. You can customise the number of characters within the format. You can switch to the manual method before or after adding one or more employees but you are not allowed to switch back to the automatic mode. If you want to work with the employee code settings now, you might have already set up the payroll and want to customise the number of characters within the automatic format or switch to the manual mode.
To manage the employee coding settings, you need to first move to the Settings page. However, after you log in to Surf Payroll, there can be either of the following scenarios:
- The logged in account has a single Business
- The logged in account has multiple Businesses
The steps to move to the Settings page are different in each of the above scenarios. The steps are provided below scenario-wise.

1. Log in to Surf Payroll.
2. The Dashboard page appears. On the left panel, click Settings.

1. Log in to Surf Payroll and find the required Business.
2. The Employees page appears. On the left panel, click Settings.
Now that you are on the Settings page, complete the following steps.
To update the employee coding format, complete the following steps.
1. The Settings page appears. On the Settings page, under the EMPLOYEE heading, click Setup.
2. The Employee Setup window appears. On the Employee Setup window, update the employee coding in any of the following ways.
- Update the number of characters in the automatic format in the Number of characters of Lastname and Number of digits lists, as required.
- To set up manual employee coding, click MANUAL.
3. To save the employee coding setup, click Save.