This option allows your business to apply for EWSS Enhanced Subsidy for the eligible employees. However, this option will not be automatically applicable to all the employees who are eligible for EWSS. You can enable it separately for each eligible employee from the Employees > Revenue section.
1.On the Business Details page, enable the Registered / Eligible For EWSS option.
You can now enable the Eligible For EWSS Enhanced Subsidy option.
2. Click the Eligible For EWSS Enhanced Subsidy option. A confirmation message appears.
3. Click OK to confirm and enable the Eligible For EWSS Enhanced Subsidy option.
4. To disable the same, click Eligible For EWSS Enhanced Subsidy option. A confirmation message appears.
5. Click OK to confirm and disable the Eligible For EWSS Enhanced Subsidy option.
6. To disable the Registered / Eligible For EWSS option, click the same and click Save. A confirmation message appears.
7. Click OK to confirm and disable the Registered / Eligible For EWSS option.
8. After enabling both the options, click Save. The confirmation message appears. Click OK to save the changes.
9. In the Employees page, select the employee who is eligible for EWSS Enhanced Subsidy.
10. In the Revenue section of the Employee Details page, the EWSS Scheme option is enabled by default.
11. Click to enable the Eligible for EWSS Enhanced Subsidy option. A confirmation message appears.
12. Click OK to confirm and enable the Eligible For EWSS Enhanced Subsidy option.
13. Click Save to save the changes.
Note: In the OTHER section of the ROS Submission for the EWSS Enhanced Subsidy scheme, the value should be added as EWSS_PHR = 3 for the employee who is eligible for this scheme.