If you are a service provider, you can record your effort and expenses for your customers in terms of time and expenses and bill your customers. You can configure working hours, hourly rates and other required information on Surf Accounts. To view the steps to manage time tracking, click on the links below.
Configuring Time and Expenses
Before you start to record time and expenses, you need to configure things such as working hours, hourly rates and expenses. You also need to have the permission to record time and expenses. To configure time and expenses, complete the steps below.
1. Log in to Surf Accounts. The Business page appears.
2. On the Business page, locate the required business by completing either of the following steps.
- In the Search box on the top right corner, enter the name of the business fully or partially and click
. The business summary will appear under the Select a Business heading.
- The business summary is available under the Select a Business heading. If you cannot find it, at the bottom-right corner of the page, click 100 to increase the number of records to be displayed on the page. The business summary will be available under the Select a Business heading.
- In the Search box on the top right corner, enter the name of the business fully or partially and click
3. Under the Select a Business heading, click the name of the business.
4. The Customers page appears. On the Customers page, from the left panel, click Settings.
5. The Settings page appears. On the Settings page, under the GENERAL SETUP heading, click Users.
6. The User Access page appears. On the User Access page, click the name of the user who needs the access.
7. The Permissions window appears. On the Permissions window, under the Time & Expense heading, select the required permissions and click [Save].
Configuring Time and Expenses Rates
To configure Time and Expenses Rates, complete the following steps.
1. Complete steps 1 to 4 as given in Permissions.
2. On the Settings page, under the GENERAL SETUP heading, click Manage Time Recording.
3. The Manage Time Recording page appears. On the Manage Time Recording page, do the following:
- To set hourly rates for working on projects, click [Manage Hours & Rates].
- To set expenses, click [Manage Time/Expense Types].
Recording Time
To record time and expenses, complete the following steps.
1. Log in to Surf Accounts. The Business page appears.
2. On the Business page, locate the required business by completing either of the following steps.
- In the Search box on the top right corner, enter the name of the business fully or partially and click
. The business summary will appear under the Select a Business heading.
- The business summary is available under the Select a Business heading. If you cannot find it, at the bottom-right corner of the page, click 100 to increase the number of records to be displayed on the page. The business summary will be available under the Select a Business heading.
- In the Search box on the top right corner, enter the name of the business fully or partially and click
3. Under the Select a Business heading, click the name of the business.
4. The Customers page appears. On the Customers page, from the left panel, click Time Tracking > Time.
5. The Time Entry page appears. On the Time Entry page, click a calendar day for recording time effort and enter the following details.
CODE | To select the customer code for whom you are recording time, click ![]() |
CUSTOMER | The customer appears depending on your input in the CODE field. |
PROJECT | To select the project for which you are recording time, click ![]() |
TASK | Select an appropriate task on which you wish to record time. |
NOTE | Enter notes, if required. |
HOURS | Enter the number of hours you have worked. Note that the number of hours per day should not exceed that you have set when you configured the same. |
CHARGE-OUT | Enter the charges for the number of hours you have worked. Note that the charges per hour should not exceed that you have set when you configured the same. |
TOTAL | The total is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate with the number of hours entered. |
6. To save the time entry, click [Save].
Recording Expenses
To record expenses, complete the following steps.
1. Complete steps 1 to 3 as given in Recording Time.
2. On the Customers page, in the left panel, click Time Tracking > Expenses.
3. The Expenses Entry page appears. On the Expenses Entry page, enter the following details.
DATE | Select the date on which you have incurred the expenses for the project. |
CODE | To select the customer code for whom you are recording time, click ![]() |
CUSTOMER | The customer appears depending on your input in the CODE field. |
PROJECT | To select the project for which you are recording time, click ![]() |
TASK | Select the task that resulted in the expenses. |
NOTE | Enter additional notes, if required. |
KM | This column is enabled if you enter Mileage in the TASK column. |
TOTAL | This value is calculated based on the entry in the TASK and KM columns. |
4. To save the expense entries, click [Save].
Viewing Time Manager
The Time Manager section provides a summary of the time you have recorded towards a project for a customer during a given week. It also shows the total time recorded and the total chargeable amount from the customer, based on the rates configured. To view the Time Manager, complete the following steps.
1. Complete steps 1 to 3 as given in Recording Time.
2. On the Customers page, in the left panel, click Time Tracking > Time Manager.
3. The Time Manager page appears. View the required details on the Time Manager page.