Generate the following reports by specifying your criteria. When the business type is Community & Comprehensive school, the heading of the page changes Income .
Tip: To quickly access the reports you need, save your reports as favourites. Click here to view the steps.
- Aged Customer Balance Detailed
- Aged Customer Balance Summary
- Batch Sales Invoice Print
- Customer Activity
- Customer Statement
- Price History
- Product Price List
- Recurring Sales Invoice
- Recurring Sales Invoice Detailed
- Recurring Template
- Sales Invoice & Credit Notes
- Sales Invoice Detailed
- Sales Invoice Margin
- Sales Quotes / Orders Report
Aged Customer Balance Detailed
The report generates the customer-specific details of outstanding customer balances from the transaction creation dates until 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days and after. The report gives transaction-wise details for each customer. For example, if a sales invoice is created on 01 January, 2021 and it is still in the outstanding state on 01 February, 2021, then the report will show it as aged for 30 days. If no receipt is generated even after 01 February, the aged time will increase.
To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Aged Customer Balance Detailed.
2. The Aged Customer Balance Detailed page appears. Set your custom criteria based on the guidance given below.
DATE TO | Click to enter the date until which you want to generate the report. Or, to generate the report till current date, tick the Current Aging option. |
CUSTOMER FROM | To generate the report for a range of customers, enter the name of the first customer in the range. |
To generate the report for a range of customers, enter the name of the last customer in the range. Note: If you leave CUSTOMER FROM and CUSTOMER TO fields blank, the report generates for all available data. |
ACCT.MGR | Select the account manager name. |
3. Optional. To customise the information the report will display, click Advanced Settings.
4. Optional. To use the Advanced Settings, see the image below.
5. To generate the report, click Run.
6. The report is generated.
Aged Customer Balance Summary
The report generates the customer-specific summary of outstanding customer balances from the transaction creation dates until predefined periods of 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days and after. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Aged Customer Balance Summary.
2. The Aged Customer Balance Summary page appears. Set your custom criteria based on the guidance given below.
DATE TO | Click to enter the date until which you want to generate the report. Or, to generate the report till current date, tick the Current Aging option. |
CUSTOMER FROM | To generate the report for a range of customers, enter the name of the first customer in the range. |
To generate the report for a range of customers, enter the name of the last customer in the range. Note: If you leave CUSTOMER FROM and CUSTOMER TO fields blank, the report generates for all available data. |
ACCT.MGR | Select the account manager name. |
3. To generate the report, click Run.
4. The report is generated.
To customise the report headings and use additional options, click Advanced Settings. |
Batch Sales Invoice Print
Generate the reports you need and print them in batch by specifying your criteria. to generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Batch Sales Invoice Print.
2. The Batch Sales Invoice page appears. Enter your criteria based on the guidance below.
To set predefined time periods for the report, click the icon. | |
DATE FROM | To generate the report between a range of period, enter the starting date in the range. |
DATE TO | To generate the report between a range of period, enter the ending date in the range. |
DOC. NO. FROM | To generate the report between a range of sales invoices, enter the starting document numbering the range. |
DOC. NO. TO | To generate the report between a range of sales invoices, enter the ending document numbering the range. |
3. To generate the report, click Run.
4. The report generates the documents in batch. To view the batch, scroll down. Click Print on the top-right corner.
Customer Activity
This report generates various sales invoice statuses and a corresponding value, if applicable. The various stauses are Invoice, Allocation, Payment and Outstanding. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Customer Activity.
2. The Customer Activity page appears. Enter the criteria based on the guidance below.
To set predefined time periods for the report, click the icon. | |
DATE TO | To generate the report until a time period, enter the date. If you have already used the icon, then you do not need to use this option. |
CUSTOMER FROM | To generate the report between a range of customers, enter the starting customer name in the range. |
CUSTOMER TO | To generate the report between a range of sales invoices, enter the ending customer name in the range. |
3. The report is generated.
To customize the report headings and use additional options, click Advanced Settings. |
Customer Statement
The Customer Statement report generates the summary of all transactions or the outstanding balances in one or more customer accounts.
To generate the report, complete the following steps:
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Customer Statement.
2. The Customer Statement page appears. To generate the report, enter your criteria as given below.
TYPE | To generate the summary of all transactions, select Balance Forward or, to generate the outstanding balances only, select Open Item. |
DATE FROM | This field is available if you select Balance Forward from the TYPE list. To view all transaction summary of one or more customers within a date range, select the starting date in the range. |
DATE TO | This field is available when you select Balance Forward from the TYPE list or the Open Item from the TYPE list. To view the summary of all transactions or the outstanding balances within a date range, select the ending date in the range. |
CUSTOMER FROM | To generate the report within a range of customers, select the first customer in the range. |
CUSTOMER TO | To generate the report within a range of customers, select the last customer in the range. |
SORT | After generation, you can sort the report data. Specify on what basis can you sort the data. |
SUPPRESS ZERO BALANCE | To hide data with zero balances, tick the option. |
3. To generate, click Run. The report is generated.
Additional Options
After generation, the toggle button under the Send Statement heading allows you to do the following three things. Click the button and toggle.
- To view a preview of the data, retain the default Always option and click the Preview button above.
- To not send the report by email to a customer by email now, click and move to Not Now. This is for your record only and does not prevent you from actually sending the report by email.
- To never send the report by email to a customer by email now, click and move to Never. This is for your record only and does not prevent you from actually sending the report by email.
Price History
The Price History report generates the history of product details and their prices and customer-wise purchase history and any changes to these data.
To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Price History.
2. The Price History page appears. Enter the criteria as given below.
DATE FROM | To generate the report between a range of time periods, enter the starting period. |
DATE TO | To generate the report between a range of time periods, enter the ending period. |
PRODUCT FROM | To generate the report between a range of products, enter the first product in the range. |
PRODUCT TO | To generate the report between a range of products, enter the last product in the range. |
CUSTOMER FROM | To generate the report between a range of customers, enter the first customer in the range. |
CUSTOMER TO | To generate the report between a range of customers, enter the last customer in the range. |
3. To generate the report, click Run. The report is generated.
Additional Options
- To customise the report headings and use other options such as Sorting, click Advanced Settings.
- To print the report, click Print.
- To export the report to Excel, click Excel.
- To save the report in the PDF format, click Save.
- To email the report, click Email.
Product Price List
The Product Price List report generates the list of products you set up and their details such as price, category and description.
To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Product Price List.
2. The Product Price List page appears. Enter the criteria as given below, if necessary, else, click Run to generate the details of all products.
PRODUCT FROM | To generate the report between a range of products, select the first product in the range. |
PRODUCT TO | To generate the report between a range of products, select the last product in the range. |
CATEGORY | Select the product category. |
3. To generate, click Run. The report is generated.
Additional Options
- To customise the report headings and use other options such as Sorting, click Advanced Settings.
- To print the report, click Print.
- To export the report to Excel, click Excel.
- To save the report in the PDF format, click Save.
- To email the report, click Email.
Recurring Sales Invoice
What does it do?
The Recurring Sales Invoice report generates the summary of recurring sales invoices. You may generate all recurring invoices or specify your criteria.
Steps to generate
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Recurring Sales Invoice.
2. The Recurring Sales Invoice page appears. Enter the criteria as given below, if necessary, else, click Run to generate the summary of all recurring invoices.
DATE FROM | To generate recurring sales invoices between a range of dates, enter the first date in the range. |
DATE TO | To generate recurring sales invoices between a range of dates, enter the last date in the range. |
DOC. NO. START | Each recurrence is assigned an invoice number. For example, an invoice recurring on 31/10/2020 is assigned an invoice number. (How to find the invoice number?) To generate recurring sales invoices between a range of invoice numbers, enter the first invoice number in the range. |
DOC. NO. END | To generate recurring sales invoices between a range of invoice numbers, enter the last invoice number in the range. |
ACCT.MGR | Select the account manager. |
TEMPLATE | Template is the frequency of recurrences. There are three templates -- Weekly, Monthly and Yearly — for you to choose while setting up a Recurring Invoice. The format of the template is Frequency(Number of Recurrences). For example, Monthly(5). Select the required template. |
3. To generate the report, click Run. The report is generated.
Additional Options
Adding or Removing Report Columns
You can add or remove the report headings by completing the following steps.
1. Click the Advanced Settings button.
2. The Advanced Settings window appears. Use the Include and Exclude sections to add or remove headings.
3. Click Update.
Setting How the Report Columns will be Sorted
1. Click the Advanced Settings button.
2. The Advanced Settings window appears. 1 allows you to set the column on which the report will be sorted. Use 2 to set a secondary sorting and the columns will be sorted based on:
3. To view the total transaction value based on the sorted columns, tick Total.
4. To view only the total transaction value in the report, tick Total Only.
Viewing Invoice Emailed Status
1. Click the Advanced Settings button.
2. The Advanced Settings window appears. Select the email status from the MAIL STATUS list and click Update.
Recurring Sales Invoice Detailed
The report generates both the summary and the details of the posted recurring invoices. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Recurring Sales Invoice Detailed.
2. The Recurring Sales Invoice Detailed page appears. Enter the criteria as given below, if necessary, else, click Run to generate the summary of all recurring invoices.
CREATE DATE | To generate the report of a range of recurring invoices, enter the creation date of the first invoice in the range. |
CREATE DATE | To generate the report of a range of recurring invoices, enter the creation date of the last invoice in the range. |
SUMMARY/DETAIL | To view summary, select Summary. To view detailed report, select Detailed. To view both, select All. |
INVOICE DATE | To generate the report of a range of recurring invoices, enter the date of the first invoice in the range. |
INVOICE DATE | To generate the report of a range of recurring invoices, enter the date of the last invoice in the range. |
ACCT.MGR | Select the account manager. |
CURRENCY | This field is available if the Multicurrency feature is enabled and is used in one or more invoices. |
3. To generate the report, click Run. The report is generated.
Additional Options
Adding or Removing Report Columns
You can add or remove the report headings by completing the following steps.
1. Click the Advanced Settings button.
2. The Advanced Settings window appears. Use the Include and Exclude sections to add or remove headings.
3. Click Update.
Setting How the Report Columns will be Sorted
1. Click the Advanced Settings button.
2. The Advanced Settings window appears. 1 allows you to set the column on which the report will be sorted. Use 2 to set a secondary sorting and the columns will be sorted based on:
3. To view the total transaction value based on the sorted columns, tick Total.
4. To view only the total transaction value in the report, tick Total Only.
Viewing Invoice Emailed Status
1. Click the Advanced Settings button.
2. The Advanced Settings window appears. Select the email status from the MAIL STATUS list and click Update.
Recurring Template
Surf Accounts provides three frequency-based templates for creating Recurring Invoices — weekly, monthly and yearly. The report generates the recurring invoice summary template-wise. To generate the report, complete the steps below.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Recurring Template.
2. The Recurring Template page appears. Enter the criteria as given below, if necessary, else, click Run to generate the summary of all templates, if available.
END DATE FROM | To view the recurring templates within a date range, enter the first end date in the range. |
END DATE TO | To view the recurring templates within a date range, enter the last end date in the range. |
RECURRENCE | Select the required template. |
ACCT.MGR | Select the account manager name. |
STATUS | Select the template status. |
Show Deleted | To view templates that are already deleted, tick the option. |
3. The report is generated.
Sales Invoice & Credit Notes
This report shows a summary of all invoices and credit notes within a time-period based on filters you set. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Sales Invoice & Credit Notes.
2. The Sales Invoice/Credit Note Report page appears. Enter the following details.
DATE FROM | Select the date from which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
DATE TO | Select the date till which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
Click and select a pre-configured date range. | |
TYPE | Select the type of report you want to view. You may also choose to view all. |
DOC. NO. START | Enter the document number from which you want to view report. |
DOC. NO. END | Enter the document number till which you want to view report. |
ACCT.MGR | Select the account manager. |
CURRENCY | Select the currency. |
3. To generate the report, click [Run]. The report is generated.
4. View the report.
Sales Invoice Detailed
This report generates the summary or details of invoices generated specific to products and customers depending on the criteria you set. You can generate summary or detailed invoice by specifying product code, category or analysis code. To generate the report, complete the steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Sales Invoice Detailed.
2. The Sales Invoice Detailed page appears. Enter the following details.
Click and select a pre-configured date range. | |
DATE FROM | Select the date from which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
DATE TO | Select the date till which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
SUMMARY/DETAILED | Select whether you want to view the summary or details of the report. |
TYPE | Select whether you want to generate the report for product codes, product category and analysis codes. |
ACCT. MGR | Select the account manager. |
3. To generate the report, click [Run].
4. The report is generated, as shown below.
Sales Invoice Margin
This report shows the difference between the sales price and the purchase price of products and gives the percentage of the margin. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Sales Invoice Margin.
2. The Sales Invoice Margin page appears. Enter the following details.
Click and select a pre-configured date range. | |
DATE FROM | Select the date from which you want to view report. When you open a report for the first time, the start and end dates are the first and the last month of the financial year respectively by default. If you change the dates, the report retains the changes until the next change. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
DATE TO | Select the date till which you want to view report. When you open a report for the first time, the start and end dates are the first and the last month of the financial year respectively by default. If you change the dates, the report retains the changes until the next change. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
TYPE | Select whether you want to view margins by date or by invoice. |
CURRENCY | Select the currency. |
3. To generate the report, click [Run].
4. The report is generated, as shown below.
Sales Quotes / Orders Report
This report gives the summary of all customer quotes or orders during a time period you have set. You can also set other filters based on which the report will be generated. To generate the report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, under the SALES heading, click Sales Quotes / Orders Report.
2. The Sales Quotes/Orders Report page appears.
Click and select a pre-configured date range. | |
DATE FROM | Select the date from which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
DATE TO | Select the date till which you want to view report. You can set the date up to 5 years beyond the current set accounting period. |
TYPE | Select whether you want to view report on quotes or orders or both. |
DOC. NO. FROM | Enter the document number of the quote or order from which you want to view the report. |
DOC. NO. TO | Enter the document number of the quote or order till which you want to view the report. |
ACCT.MGR | Select the account manager responsible for the quote or order. |
STATUS | Select whether the quote or order is open or closed. |
CURRENCY | Select the currency mentioned in the quote or order. |
3. To generate the report, click [Run].