The Strategic Report is applicable only to UK and Northern Irish companies, when the reporting size is set to medium or large. In all other cases, this section will be hidden.
To access the section, on the Compliance Database page, under the Primary Statements heading, click Strategic Report (UK). All required information should be entered manually.
The Directors’ Report is split into two sections, Report Information and Director’s Responsibilities.
To access the section, on the Compliance Database page, under the Primary Statements heading, click Directors Report.
Report Information
The Report Information section allows you to enter details such as the Business Review, Future Developments and Principle Risks and Uncertainties. If information is not entered to a mandatory section you will be alerted to this in the Produced Accounts pages. You can delete information from the non-mandatory sections to remove it from your accounts.
Other sections have default information in them which you can manually adjust. Some sections only appear depending on your postings to the nominal ledgers, for example Research and Development section is only shown when you have posted to codes 363 and 364.
If you want to add any section to the Directors’ Report you may do so by choosing to add a user-defined section. Simply tick the box that you wish to use a note and enter the heading and text of the body of the note. You will need to choose a relevant iXBRL tag; in these cases a list of options is made available to you from which you can select your tag. If using more than one user defined section please ensure that the same tag has not been used twice.
Directors Responsibilities
If you are producing the accounts on a ‘Non Going Concern’ basis then you will be able to enter data into the Directors’ Responsibilities section of the database.
To do this, go to Reporting Parameters, Disclosure and tick ‘Are the financial statements not produced on a on a going concern basis?’, then go to Other Note Information, Not Going Concern and enter the details. The Directors Responsibilities section can then be edited.
To access the section, on the Compliance Database page, under the Primary Statements heading, click Auditors Report.
The Auditors Report Section contains the following subsections:
- Statutory Auditor Signature: Allows you to enter the signature on the Abridged Accounts.
- Qualification
- Disagreement
- Adverse Opinion
- Limitation of Scope
- Scope of the Audit
- Disclaimer of Opinion
- Matters to Report re Companies Act (ROI)
- Emphasis of Matter: If there is no emphasis of matter and you require another section, use this section as a user definable field, by selecting the box and entering the relevant heading.
- Other Information Considered
- Material Inconsistency of Director’s Report
- Matters to Report by Exception
- Key Audit Matters
- Going Concern
- Omission of Auditors Name (UK)
- Note Information (UK Only)
- ULC Report
- Accountant’s Report: This section will only be available to you of the accounts are audit exempt (Tick box in Client Details > Key Information > Audit exempt company?). You will then have the option to include an accountant’s report.
All of the above items are relevant to the Country of Incorporation. Click on any of the items and enter the required information. Some of the sections can only be edited depending on your nominal postings and previous selections in the list of items or the auditor’s report, for example, Disagreement, Adverse Opinion, Limitation of of Scope and Disclaimer of Option will only be available if Qualification is selected.
Accountants Report
If the accounts are audit exempt you can choose to add an Accountant’s Report instead. Tick the box to show it is applicable and then enter the relevant information. This section is only available if you have selected Audit Exempt in the Additional Details section.
The Accounting Policies section is extensive and follows the same basic structure as all other sections.
To access the section, on the Compliance Database page, under the Primary Statements heading, click Accounting Policies.
Some items are only available to you depending on your own postings, such as Research and Development, Share Based Payments etc.
Click on each section to access information relevant to that item.
This section will also depend on the template or entity type you are working on.
Some sections, such as Foreign Exchange will be included in your accounts by default. Un-tick the relevant box if you do not require such a policy.
User defined policies can be added. There are a maximum of four user defined policies available. If you require one, tick the box and enter the details required. You must choose a relevant iXBRL tag for the information entered. A drop down list of available tags has been provided for each note. If you are using more than one user-definable note please ensure that you have not selected the same tag twice.
The Profit and Loss section allows you to determine your geographical market and breakdown of your turnover with your own descriptions. You must have posted to more than one code in the 001 range to show the breakdown.
Postings to 001, will mean that the geographical market is only in Ireland, postings to 002 will trigger a European market and postings to 003 codes will show as rest of the world. The turnover note will reference the relevant information.
Other sections allow you to manually enter information in text boxes. Again this section is dependent on postings in relation to that section.
In certain cases XBRL tags will need to be added to some locations if you choose to change information. Simply choose the correct tag for the relevant section.
To access the section, on the Compliance Database page, under the Primary Statements heading, click Profit and Loss.
To show user definable text on the Statement of Changes in Equity tick the box. Text can be edited as required.
To access the section, on the Compliance Database page, under the Primary Statements heading, click Statement of Changes in Equity.