The first step in this process will be taking a backup in Relate Accounts Production. This can be done by finding the client in the ‘Clients and Accounts’ Screen then selecting backup at the top of the screen.
You can confirm that you are backing up the correct client by verifying the name in the top right-hand corner before selecting backup.
- After selecting Backup, you will be able to choose a location to save this RAP Backup file (.rdb) If you need to specify a different location to save this location, use the ‘Backup To’ option to specify the desired file path (Note this save location of the backup as you will need it later).
- Next, you will need to login to Surf Accounts Production (available at
- After getting logged in, you will need to click on the client which you wish to import data for. When clicking on this Surf Accounts business in the ‘Client and Accounts’ list on Surf Accounts Production, the client will appear as follows.
- Click the option for Import Dataset which can be found under the bookkeeping column for this client included in the ‘Clients and Accounts’ in Surf Accounts Production.
- After clicking import, you will be brought to a screen which confirms that this client currently exists on Surf Accounts and that you would like to import from Relate Accounts Production. Proceed by clicking ‘Import’.
- You will then be brought to a screen which allow you to select the RAP Backup (.rdb) file which you wish to import. Do this by clicking Choose File.
- If the business name differs on Surf Accounts than on Relate Accounts Production, this warning message demonstrated below will appear. Click Continue as this detail can be changed late in the compliance database on Surf Accounts Production.
- The next screen will allow you to assign a client code for this client before clicking Import once again.
- Next, you will be required to choose the import option you would like to proceed with including Trial Balance, Comparative Balances Only, Compliance Database Only, and Full Dataset Import.
- Note: Use caution when using the Full Dataset Import option as this will use one Surf Accounts Production bookkeeping license when importing the bookkeeping transactions.
- The details of what effect each specific import option will have can be viewed by hovering the mouse over the information (i) icon next to the import option.
Trial Balance
This option will import the current journals, the compliance data and the comparative balances from Relate Accounts Production and overwrite any existing balances that appear in the Comparative module in Surf Accounts. This import will not impact your payments, receipts and invoices in Surf Accounts. If there are any transactions in the Relate Accounts Production dataset which have previously been imported from Surf Accounts, these transactions will not be imported to Surf Accounts Production.
Comparative Balances Only
This option will import the Comparative Balances from Relate Accounts Production and overwrite existing Comparative Balances in Surf Accounts. This import will not impact your payments, receipts and invoices in Surf Accounts. If there are any transactions in the Relate Accounts Production dataset which have previously been imported from Surf Accounts, these transactions will not be imported to Surf Accounts Production.
Compliance Database Only
This option will import Compliance Database Information from Relate Accounts Production and overwrite any existing Compliance Database Information and will not import any Current Year Journals, Comparative Balances, or Transactions.
Full Dataset Import
This option will import the Trial Balance, Comparative Balances, Compliance database as well as bookkeeping. Only use this option if Surf Accounts Data and Relate Accounts Production data and transactions match.
Note: This option will use one bookkeeping license.
- After choosing the option which you want to proceed with, click Import.
- You will be prompted with one final warning message depending on the option which you have selected. As you are sure this is the import option you would like to use, click ‘Import’.
- The next screen will take anywhere between a few seconds to a couple of minutes while data is imported from Relate Accounts Production.
- After this screen has finished loading, you should get this notification that the import has completed successfully.
- After clicking Close you will be brought to a screen which will allow you to select the staff members who will have access to this client on Surf Accounts Production.
- Note: Use the ‘Select All Staff’ option if you wish for this business to be available to all staff.
- Click Save and you will be brought to this clients ‘Dashboard’ in Surf Accounts Production as the import process is now complete. You may now begin working on the financial statement in Surf Accounts Production.